BIMSTEC - A Brief Overview.

   The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) stands as a pivotal regional multilateral organisation, fostering collaboration and development among its member nations. With a geographical span that includes the Bay of Bengal's littoral and adjacent regions, BIMSTEC unifies seven South Asian and Southeast Asian countries,

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Bhutan
  3. India
  4. Nepal
  5. Sri Lanka
  6. Myanmar, and
  7. Thailand.

    This unique regional unity connects the diverse ecologies of the Great Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal, creating a platform for collective progress and prosperity. BIMSTEC's core objectives encompass the facilitation of rapid economic growth, the acceleration of social progress, and the promotion of cooperation on matters of mutual interest.

    With a combined population of 1.73 billion people and a substantial gross domestic product of US$4.4 trillion, BIMSTEC has emerged as a prominent force in South Asia, gaining prominence and recognition in recent years.

How did BIMSTEC originate ?

  • This regional organisation was established on June 6, 1997, with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration.
  • Initially it is known as BIST-EC (Bangladesh-India-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation),
  • The organisation underwent changes and became BIMST-EC when Myanmar joined on December 22, 1997.

  • Subsequently, Nepal and Bhutan became members in February 2004, leading to the final renaming of the grouping as the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC).
  • The Permanent Secretariat of BIMSTEC is Established in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Purpose of the BIMSTEC :

  • Rapid Economic Development: BIMSTEC aims to create an enabling environment for the rapid economic development of the sub-region by identifying and implementing specific cooperation projects.
  • Equality and Partnership: The organization seeks to encourage a spirit of equality and partnership among its member states, fostering a sense of mutual respect and cooperation.
  • Collaboration and Mutual Assistance: BIMSTEC promotes active collaboration and mutual assistance among its member countries in areas of common interest, such as economic, social, technical, and scientific fields.
  • Support in Education, Science, and Technology: The organisation accelerates support for each other in various fields, including education, science, technology, and research, providing training and research facilities to enhance expertise and knowledge-sharing.
  • Multidimensional Connectivity and Shared Prosperity: The organisation strives to establish multidimensional connectivity and synergy among connectivity frameworks in the region, fostering economic integration and shared prosperity.

Principles of BIMSTEC :

  • Sovereign Equality and Respect: Cooperation within BIMSTEC is based on respecting the principle of sovereign equality, recognising the territorial integrity and political independence of each member state. There is a commitment to non-interference in internal affairs and a mutual approach of peaceful co-existence.
  • Non-aggression and Mutual Respect: BIMSTEC promotes a non-aggressive stance among member states, encouraging mutual respect and understanding.
  • Mutual Benefit: Cooperation within BIMSTEC is aimed at mutual benefit, seeking to enhance the prosperity and development of all member countries.
  • Complementary Cooperation: BIMSTEC's efforts are meant to complement, not substitute, bilateral, sub-regional, regional, or multilateral cooperation among its member states. The organisation works in harmony with existing cooperation frameworks to achieve common goals.

Areas of Cooperation within BIMSTEC :

  • Initially, BIMSTEC focused on six sectors in 1997
    • Trade
    • Technology
    • Energy
    • Transport
    • Tourism
    • Fisheries
  • In 2008, it expanded its scope to include
    • Agriculture
    • Public health
    • Poverty alleviation
    • Counter-terrorism
    • Environment
    • Culture
    • People-to-people contact, and
    • Climate change
  • Subsequently, the organisation took steps to rationalise and reorganise its sectors and sub-sectors, with each sector now being led by the respective member states as shown in figure below.

BIMSTEC functions through a five-tiered organisational structure :

  • The Summit: This tier consists of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States. It convenes once every two years and is preceded by the Ministerial Meeting. The hosting responsibility for the Summit lies with the Member State holding the BIMSTEC Chairmanship.
  • The Ministerial Meeting: Comprising the Foreign Ministers of the Member States, this tier focuses on foreign relations matters and plays a crucial role in shaping BIMSTEC's agenda.
  • Sectoral Ministerial Meetings: These meetings involve the Ministers from line ministries responsible for executing activities in specific sectors. Each sector has its own Ministerial Meeting to address relevant issues and enhance cooperation.
  • The Senior Officials’ Meeting: At this level, Foreign Secretaries, Secretaries, or other appropriate Senior Officials designated by the BIMSTEC Member States participate. They work to prepare and implement decisions made by higher tiers.
  • The BIMSTEC Permanent Working Committee (BPCW): This committee is composed of senior officials from the respective National Focal Points of each Member State. Its primary role is to facilitate ongoing communication and coordination between member countries and ensure the smooth functioning of BIMSTEC initiatives.

Singnificance of BIMSTEC for India and South Asian Progress

BIMSTEC plays a crucial role in progress for several reasons:

  • Geopolitical Importance: The member countries, situated between South Asia and Southeast Asia, have significant geopolitical significance due to their strategic locations and abundant resources. BIMSTEC facilitates cooperation and dialogue among these nations, fostering peace and stability in the region.
  • Economic Growth: By promoting trade and investment, BIMSTEC opens new avenues for economic growth and development for its member countries. It allows them to tap into each other's markets and create mutually beneficial economic partnerships.
  • Counter-terrorism and Security Cooperation: Given the region's vulnerability to transnational security threats, BIMSTEC provides a platform for member countries to collaborate on counter-terrorism measures and enhance regional security.
  • Connectivity and Infrastructure Development: BIMSTEC focuses on enhancing connectivity through projects like the BIMSTEC Motor Vehicle Agreement and the BIMSTEC Coastal Shipping Agreement. This fosters infrastructural development and better integration among member nations.
  • Regional Integration: BIMSTEC acts as a bridge between South Asia and Southeast Asia, promoting regional integration and cooperation that benefits both regions.

        BIMSTEC's vision of regional integration and cooperation holds immense potential in shaping the progress of South Asia. By bringing together nations situated between South Asia and Southeast Asia, BIMSTEC fosters meaningful collaborations that enhance peace, stability, and economic growth in the region.

        Through initiatives aimed at boosting trade, infrastructure, security, and connectivity, the organisation paves the way for a more prosperous and interconnected South Asian community.

        As BIMSTEC continues to act as a bridge between the two regions, its efforts play a pivotal role in promoting shared prosperity, sustainable development, and a brighter future for the Bay of Bengal region and beyond.


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