KPSC Gazetted Probationers (KAS) Exam Syllabus

In this Post You will find the Syllabus of Gazetted Probationers (KAS) Exam conducted by the Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) . You can also s ee the detailed Syllabus of respective papers in links given at appropriate places. The Outline of KPSC KAS syllabus for both Preliminary and Mains Exams can be found in the tables below. Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination shall consists of two papers of Objective type (Multiple Choice) . 1. Each paper Carrying 100 questions with each questions carrying two marks. 2. Each paper shall be of a maximum of 200 marks and of duration of two hours. 3. There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers. For each wrong answer given by the candidate, one-fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question shall be deducted. Sl. No Subject Area Number of Qu...