Important Events During the Reign of Governor General and Viceroy of India

Important Events During the Reign of Governor General and Viceroy of India

Governor General:

1. Warren Hastings 1773 - 1775

  • Abolition of Dual System of Robert Clive.
  • Calcutta Made Capital of Bengal in 1772
  • Reorganisation of Judicial System - Separation of Civil and Criminal Courts.
  • Abolished the System of Dastaks, or Free passes regulated the Internal trade
  • The Regulating Act of 1773
  • The Rohila War of 1774
  • The First Anglo-Maratha War 1775 - 82 ⟶ Treaty of Salabai in 1782 
  • The Second Anglo-Mysore War 1780 - 84 ⟶ Treaty of Mangalore 
  • Pitts India Act of 1784.
  • Foundation of Asiatic Society of Bengal - 1784

2. Lord Cornwallis 1786 - 1793

  • Third Anglo-Mysore War 1790 - 92 Defeat of Tipu ⟶ Treaty of Srirangapattanam
  • Sanskrit Vidyalaya at Benaras Established by Jonathan Duncan.

Reforms :

Administrative Reforms:
  • Purification of the Civil Service by the employment of honest and capable public servants.
  • Increase in the salaries of Employees and Officers.
  • Separation of Commercial, Judicial and Revenue Services.
  • Merit is the basis of ICS.
Revenue Reforms :
  • Permanent Settlement of Bengal 1793 ⟶ John Shore + James Grant  
Judicial and Other Reforms (Europeanisation) :
  • Sadar Diwani Adalat (Civil) and Sadar Nizamat Adalat (Criminal) in Calcutta under Governor General and his Council.
  • Provincial Court in Calcutta, Dacca, Murshidabad and Patna under European Judges.
  • District City Court under European Judge.
  • Bottom of Judicial system - Indian Judge/Munsiff
3. Sir John Shore 1793 - 1798
  • Charter Act of 1793
  • Battle of Kharda between the Nizam and the Marathas.
  • Policy of non intervention
4. Lord Wellesley 1798 - 1805
  • Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance System in 1798. First Alliance with the Nizam of Hyderabad.
  • Fourth Anglo-Mysore War in 1799, Tippu was defeated and shot dead.
  • Treaty of Basein (1802)
  • Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-1805)
  • Took over the administration of Tanjore (1799), Surat (1800), and Carnatic (1801)
5. Sir George Barlow 1805 - 1807
  • Vellore Mutiny (1806)
6. Lord Minto I 1807 - 1813
  • Treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit Singh 1809
  • The Charter Act of 1813 

7. Lord Hastings 1813 - 1823

  • Anglo Nepal War/ War against Gurkhas 1814 - 1816. Which led to the treaty of Segauli in 1816.
  • Suppression of Pindaris (1817 -1818)
  • Battle of Sitabaldi ⟶ Bhonsle vs British in 1817
  • Third Maratha War (1817 - 1819), Dissolution of Maratha Confederacy.
  • Creation of Bombay Presidency 1818.
  • Establishment of Ryotwari System in 1820 and important persons behind this system are the then Governor of Madras Thomas Munroe and Alexander Reed.
  • Establishment of Hindu college in 1817 in Calcutta
8. Lord Amherst 1823 - 1828
  • First Burmese War (1824 - 1826) ⟶ Treaty of Yandaboo
  • Capture of Bharatpur (1826)

9. Lord William Bentinck 1828 - 1835

  • Annexation of Mysore and appointment of Mark Cubbon as commissioner in 1834.
  • Annexation of Coorg (1834)
  • Annexation of Cachar & Jaintia (1834) According to Treaty of Yandaboo.
  • Treaty of Perpetual friendship and Indus Navigation Treaty with Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
  • Charter Act of 1833.
  • The Government Resolution in 1835 made English the official and Literary language of India.
  • Establishment of Calcutta Medical College 
Administrative Reforms:
  • Abolition of Provincial Courts of Appeal and Circuit set up by Cornwallis, appointment of commissioners of revenue and circuit.
  • Introduction of Local Languages in the local courts and English in Higher Courts.
Social Reforms:
  • Abolition of Sati on 4th December 1829.
  • Suppression of thugee in 1830 by Sir William Sleeman.
  • Prohibited female infanticide.
  • Introduction of English Education ⟶ Lord Macaulay (1835)
Revenue Reforms:
  • Introduction of Mahalwari System in 1833 ⟶ Halt Mcanzee

10. Lord Metcalfe 1835 - 1836

  • New Press Law removing restrictions on the press in India. ⟶ Known as Liberator of Press in India.
  • Establishment of Calcutta Public Library in 1836.

11. Lord Auckland 1836 - 1842

  • First Afghan War (1838 - 42)
  • Death of Ranjit Singh (1839)

12. Lord Ellenborough 1842 - 1844

  • Annexation of Sindh in 1846
  • Indian Slavery Act, 1843

13. Lord Hardinge 1844 -1848

  • First Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46) ⟶ Treaty of Lahore
  • Abolition of Female Infanticide and Human Sacrifice

14. Lord Dalhousie 1848 - 1856

  • Second Anglo-Sikh war (1849) ⟶ Annexation of Punjab.
  • Second Burmese war (1852) ⟶ Annexation of Lower Burma, Pegu.
  • Introduction of Doctrine of Lapse and Annexation of Satara (1848), Jaitpur & Sambhalpur (1849), Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853), Nagpur (1854), ⟶ Awadh on the basis of Misgovernance (1856).
  • Railway Minute of 1853, and Laying down the first railway line connecting Bombay and Thane in 1853.
  • Introduction of Telegraph - 4000 miles of telegraph lines were laid connecting the cities like - Calcutta, Peshawar, Bombay and Madras.
  • Postal Reforms  by Post office Act 1854
  • Woods Educational Dispatch of 1854 and opening of Anglo-Vernacular Schools and Government Colleges.
  • Establishment of Separate Public Works Department and Opening of Ganges Canal in 1854.
  • Widow Remarriage Act 1856.

15 Lord Canning 1856 - 1858

  • Establishment of three universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857.
  • Hindu Women remarriage Act 1856
  • Revolt of 1857

Note: Post Adoption of Government of India Act 1858, The Governor General of India Representing the Crown was made Viceroy and Lord Canning became the first viceroy of British India 


1. Lord Canning 1858 - 1862

  • Abolition of East India Company and Transfer control to the crown by the Government of India Act, 1858.
  • White Mutiny by the Europeans troops in 1859.
  • Indian Councils Act on 1861.
  • Establishment of Archaeological Survey of India in 1861

2. Lord Elgin I 1862 -1863

  • Wahabi Movement Suppressed

3. Lord John Lawrence 1864 - 1869

  • Bhutan War (1865)
  • Establishment of High Courts at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay (1865)
  • Establishment of Allahabad High Court (1866)
  • Famine Commission was Constituted in 1867 Under Henry Campbell due to Orissa famine in 1866 

4. Lord Mayo 1869 - 1872

  • Started the census in India in 1872.
  • Opening of the Rajkot College in Kathiawar and the Mayo College at Ajmer for political training of Indian Princes.
  • Establishment of Statistical Survey of India 1872
  • Establishment of Department of Agriculture and Commerce.
  • Introduction of State Railways.
  • Started Financial Decentralisation 

5. Lord Northbrook 1872 - 1876

  • Mohammadan Aglo-Oriental College founded by Sir, Sayed Ahmed Khan in 1875
  • Visit of Prince of Wales in 1875
  • Kuka Movement in Punjab

6. Lord Lytton 1876 - 1880

  • Famine Policy : Famine of 1876 -78 affecting Madras, Bombay, Mysore Hyderabad and Parts of Central India and Punjab; Appointment of Famine Commission under the Presidency of Richard Starchey (1878).
  • The Royal Titles Act, 1876, Queen Victoria Assuming the title of Kaiser E Hnd or Queen Empress of India.
  • First Delhi Durbar in 1877 
  • Introduction of Uniform Salt Tax throughout British India.
  • The Vernacular Press Act 1878
  • The Arms Act 1878
  • Second Afghan War (1878 - 1880)  Treaty of Gandamark between Yakub Khan and Lytton.
  • Reduced the maximum age of appearing Civil services from 21 to 19

7. Lord Rippon 1880 - 1884

  • First Factory Act (1881)
  • Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
  • Repeal of Vernacular Press Act (1882)
  • Continuation of Financial Decentralisation.
  • Introduction of Local Self Government (1882)
  • Appointment of Education Commission under the chairmanship of Sir William Hunter.           
      • Emphasis on Primary and Secondary Education.
      • Secondary Education Should have 2 divisions
        •  Literary : Leading upto University.
        • Vocational : For commercial careers.
  • Ilbert Bill Controversy (1883-84)
  • Rendition of Mysore (1881)
  • Increased the age of appearing  for Civil Service exam from 18 to 21

8. Lord Dufferin 1884 - 1888

  • Establishment of Indian National Congress (1885)
  • Third Anglo- Burmese War (1885 - 86)
  • In 1886, Burma was made province of India, with Rangoon as its capital.

9. Lord Landsowne 1888 - 1894

  • Factory Act 1891
  • Categorisation of Civil Services into imperial, provincial and subordinate.
  • Indian Councils Act 1892.
  • Durand Commission to define the line between India and Afghanistan (now between Pakistan and Afghanistan)

10. Elgin II 1894 - 1899

  • Spread of Bubonic Plague in Bombay (1896)
  • Assassination of Two British Officials by Chapekar brothers (1897)
  • Establishment of Ramakrishna Mission by Swami Vivekananda in 1897 at Belur Math.

11. Lord Curzon 1899 - 1905

  • Appointment of Universities Commission (1902) and Passing of Indian Universities Act (1904).
      • Which brought all the Universities of India under the control of Government.
  • Appointment of Police commission in 1902 under Sir Andrew Frazer.
  • Set up training schools for both the officers and the constables and Introduced Provincial police service.
  • Remodeling Army by Lord Kitchener.
  • Calcutta Corporation Act 1899.
  • Ancient Monument preservation Act 1904.
  • Official Secrets Act 1904 to curb freedom of press.
  • Partition of Bengal (1905)
  • Younghusband's Mission to Tibet (1904)
  • Second Delhi Durbar in 1903.

12. Lord Minto II 1905 - 1910

  • Popularisation of antipartition and Swadesi Movements.
  • Split in the Congress in the Surat Session of 1907, presided by Rash Behari Ghosh.
  • Establishment of Muslim League by Aga Khan in 1906
  • Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909/ Indian Councils Act of 1909.
  • Foundation of Jugantar Revolutionary Group in 1906.

13. Lord Hardinge II 1910- 1916

  • Creation of Bengal presidency in 1911.
  • Annulment of Partition of Bengal, and transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi (1911).
  • Establishment of Hindu Mahasabha (1915) by Madanmohan Malaviya.
  • Coronation Durbar of King George V held in Delhi 1911 (3rd Delhi Durbar)
  • Komagata Maru Incident 1914.
  • Return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa in 1915
  • Foundation of Banaras Hindu University (1916).

14. Lord Chelmsford 1916 - 1921.

  • Formation of Home Rule Leagues by Annie Besant and Tilak (1916)
  • Lucknow Session of Congress (1916), Merger of Extremists and Moderates groups  President A. C. Majumdar.
  • Lucknow pact between Congress and Muslim League 1916.
  • Foundation of Sabaramati Ashram in 1916 after gandhi's return.
  • Launch of
1. Champaran satyagraha (1916)   First CDM
2. Ahmedabad Satyagraha (1916)   First Hunger Strike
3. Kheda Satyagraha (1917)  First NCM
  • Montagu's August declaration (1917)
  • Montagu- Chelmsford Reform or Government of India Act 1919.
  • The Rowlat Act (1919)
  • Jalianwalabagh Massacre (1919)
  • Launch of Non Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Movement,
  • Foundation of University in Poona in 1916.
  • Appointment of Saddlers Commission (1917) for reforms in eduction.
  • Death of Tilak (August 1st, 1920)
  • Appointment of S. P. Sinha as Governor of Bihar. 

15. Lord Reading 1921 - 1926

  • Chauri-Chaura Incident (Feb 5, 1922) and the subsequent withdrawal of Non Cooperaion Movement.
  • Moplah Rebellion in Kerala (1921).
  • Repeal of Rowlatt Act of 1919.
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act and the abolition of Cotton Excise.
  • Establishment of Swaraj Party by C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru. (1922)
  • Kakori Train Robbery (1925).
  • Appointment of Lee Commission (1923) on Public Service reforms.
  • Decision to hold simultaneous examinations for the ICS both in Delhi and London with effect from 1923.
  • Railway Budget was separated from General Budget since 1924.
  • Foundation of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh by K. B. Hedgewar in 1925.

16. Lord Irwin 1926 - 1931

  • Visit of Simon Commission to India (1928) and the boycott of the commission by the Indians.
  • An All party conference held at lucknow in 1928 for the suggestion of (future) constitution of India, the report of which is called Nehru Report.
  • Appointment of Hercourt Buttler Indian States Commission in 1927.
  • Murder of Saunders, the Assistant Superintendent of Police of Lahore.
  • Bombing in Central Legislative Assembly of Delhi on 8th April 1929 by Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt.
  • Lahore Conspiracy Case and Death of Jatin Das after prolonged Hunger Strike (1929).
  • Meerut Conspiracy Case 1929
  • Lahore Session of Congress 1929 ⟶ President: J. L. Nehru ⟶Purna Swaraj Resolution
  • Deepawali Declaration of Lord Irwin on 31st Otober 1929 (to grant dominion status to India in due course)
  • Appointment of Hartog Committee (1929) to survey the growth of education in British India.
  • Dandi March (March 12, 1930) by Gandhi to Launch Civil Disobedience Movement.
  • First Round Table Conference (1930) ⟶ Boycott of RTC by Indian National Congress
  • Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931)
  • Suspension of Civil Disobedience Movement.
  • Execution of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar.

17. Lord WIllingdon 1931 - 1936

  • Second Round Table Conference (1931) and failure of the conference led to the resumption of Civil Disobedience movement.
  • Announcement of communal award by Ramsay Mcdonald (1932).
  • "Fast unto Death" by Gandhi against Communal award in Yerwada Jail, Broken after Poona Pact between Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar (1932).
  • Third Round Table Conference (1932).
  • Launch Of Individual Civil Disobedience in 1933.
  • Establishment of Congress Socialist Party by Jayaprakash Narayan (1934).
  • Reserve Bank of India established by passing The Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.
  • The Government of India Act 1935.
  • Establishment of All India Kisan Sabha by Acharya Narendra Dev (1936).
  • Burma Separated from India in 1935.

18. Lord Linlithgow 1936 - 1944

  • First General Elections (1936-37); Congress attained absolute majority.
  • Resignation of Congress Ministries after the outbreak of Second World War (1939).
  • Subhashchandra Bose elected as the president of Haripura Congress Session.
  • Resignation of Bose in 1939 (Tripuri Crisis) and Formation of the Forward Block (1939).
  • Lahore Resolution (1940) by the Muslim League demand for separate state for Muslims.
  • 'August Offer' (1940) ⟶ It received criticism by Congress and Endorsement by Muslim League.
  • Escape of Subhashchandra Bose by India and Organisation of the Indian National Army (1941)
  • Cripps Mission (1942)
  • Quit India Movement (1942).

19. Lord Wavell 1944 - 1947

  • C Rajagopalachari's CR Formula (1944).
  • Wavell Plan and Shimla Conference (1945)
  • End of the Second World War 1945
  • Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)
  • Observation of "Direct Action Day" (1946) by Muslim League.
  • Election to the Constituent Assembly, Formation of Interim Government by the Congress (September 1946).
  • Announcement of End of British rule by Clement Attlee on February 20 1947.

20. Lord Mountbatten 1947 - 1948

  • June Third Plan (1947)
  • Appointment of Radcliffe Commission (1947)
  • Indian Independence Act was passed on 18 July 1947.
  • India's Independence 15 August 1947.



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