Understanding Directive Words,Terminologies or Keywords used in the questions.


Directive words and terminologies are frequently used in Civil Services mains questions to provide guidance on how candidates should approach and structure their answers. These terms help specify the type of response expected. Here are some commonly encountered directive words and terminologies in Civil Services mains questions.

1. Define :

  • The keyword "define" in a question directs candidates to provide a precise and concise definition or explanation of a specific term, topic, or concept mentioned.
  • The question aims to obtain a clear and accurate description that effectively conveys the fundamental essence or meaning of the subject being addressed.

2. Explain/Describe/Elaborate/Illustrate :

  • These Keywords in a question prompts candidates to provide a detailed and comprehensive description of a given topic, concept, or issue using simple language, accompanied by relevant diagrams and flowcharts.
  • The objective is to present the subject in an objective manner, without expressing personal opinions or judgments.
3. Enumerate :
  • The keyword "enumerate" directs candidates to list or outline the points or components related to the topic mentioned in the question.
  • It requires providing a systematic and concise listing of the specific aspects or elements of the given subject matter.
Ex: Enumerate the features of Presidential forms of the Government.

4. Justify/Substantiate :

  • When the keywords "justify" or "Substantiate" is used question, candidates are expected to provide evidence-based arguments to support specific viewpoints, decisions, or courses of action.
  • When a question requires justification, candidates must cite data or facts from reliable and authentic reports, provide relevant examples, or refer to past events to logically support their explanation for the given statement or position.

5.Comment :

  • When the keyword "comment" is used in question, candidates are expected to identify the main issue or problem and express their opinion, viewpoint, or evaluation on a given statement, concept, or issue.
  • Candidates should consider multiple or alternative viewpoints and back their opinions with authentic and reliable reports, facts, logical reasoning, and legitimate examples.
  • It is important to be concise and to the point while expressing their comment, avoiding unnecessary repetition or elaboration.

6. Analyse :

  • The term "Analyse" requires breaking down the subject or topic into its key parts or components.
  • Exploring the connections, relationship or interaction between the different component of subject and how they influence each other .
  • Evaluate strength and weaknesses of the components considering multiple perspective supported by relevant justification.
  • Finally draw conclusion with optimistic, logical and realistic note.
  • Structure of answer should include , Introduction, Body, Conclusion using paragraphs to ensure a coherent and organised presentation of your analysis.
7. Evaluate/Examine :
  • Our opinion needs to be given by proper analysis/examining the topic. These keywords comes with an element of judgement.
  • To evaluate or examine is to come to a judgement by over all analysis of the strength, weaknesses, limitations and drawback etc, backed by the proper evidences or justification.
  • At the end of evaluation provide recommendations or suggestions for improvements, propose alternative approaches or highlight the areas that require further attention.
  • To ensure unbiased opinion, It is advisable to refrain from relying solely on personal opinion.

8. Discuss :

  • It is debate in written format.
  • Here candidate needs to present different view points or perspectives backed by supportive justification.
  • Analyse Strengths and Weaknesses of different view points or arguments presented.
  • Talk about the implications and consequences of viewpoints presented.
  • Finally conclude your opinion or judgement based on the analysis, arguments and evidences provided.
9. Compare, Compare and Contrast :
  • This term require candidates to identify and write similarities and differences between two or more concepts/policies/Phenomena which has asked in the question.
10. Critically :
  • The addition of the word "critically" in a question typically indicates that the examiner expects a fair and unbiased judgement from the candidate.
  • It should Implies that one should avoid taking singular stance or being bound by the preconceived notions.
  • Instead, Candidate required to evaluate (Discuss pros and Cons/ Strength and Weaknesses) of the subject matter, considering multiple perspectives and facts in order to provided holistic and impartial analysis.
  • The Term critically always come in question as following
      • Critically analyse
      • Critically examine
      • Critically comment etc

    It is important to carefully read and understand the directive words or terminologies mentioned in the questions to ensure that the answers address the specific requirements of the question. Candidates should pay attention to the directive word, as it indicates the approach and depth of analysis expected in the answer.


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