"Empowering Working Mothers: Karnataka's 'Koosina Mane' Initiative Paves the Way"

This Post is based on the article "Koosina Mane: Redefining childcare" Which was Published in The Hindu on 17th August 2023

  • "Koosina Mane" is a scheme introduced by the Karnataka government in its 2023-24 Budget. 
  • The scheme aims to set up child homes or creches across 4,000 gram panchayats in Karnataka. 
  • Its primary purpose is to provide healthcare, nutrition, and safety for children whose mothers are employed under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), as well as for other mothers in the vicinity.

This initiative is significant for several reasons:

Boosting Women's Labor Force Participation: 

  • The MGNREGA mandates that a certain percentage of beneficiaries be women. However, women's labor force participation under MGNREGA in Karnataka is relatively lower than in neighboring states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala. 
  • By providing reliable childcare infrastructure through "Koosina Mane," the Karnataka government aims to increase and sustain women's participation in the labor force. 
  • This is particularly important in a country where childcare responsibilities are often gendered.

Supporting Working Mothers: 

  • The scheme explicitly acknowledges that women are not only mothers but also contributors to the workforce. 
  • It recognizes the "triple burden" that working women often face—paid work, childcare, and domestic chores. 
  • By offering childcare infrastructure, "Koosina Mane" aims to alleviate some of this burden and create a conducive environment for working mothers.

Redistributing Gendered Burden: 

  • The initiative addresses the dichotomous relationship between women's employment and childcare responsibilities. 
  • The availability of childcare provision can help redistribute the burden of childcare more evenly, enabling women to sustain work, improve their skills, and seek better job opportunities.

Child Safety and Well-being: 

  • The absence of childcare support often leads to situations where working mothers have to take their young children to their workplace. 
  • This can expose children to harsh weather conditions and safety risks. "Koosina Mane" aims to provide a safer and more conducive environment for children's growth and development.

Implementation at Scale: 

  • What sets "Koosina Mane" apart is its focus on implementing the scheme at scale.
  • The government intends to absorb the building and running expenses of these child homes within the state budget. 
  • Additionally, the scheme caters to children as young as six months old, addressing the needs of working mothers with infants.

Convergence of Goals: 

  • The initiative aligns with the goals of both the MGNREGA and the Women and Children Development Department. 
  • This convergence facilitates a more comprehensive and effective approach to supporting working mothers and promoting women's participation in the labor force.

In summary, "Koosina Mane" represents a significant effort by the Karnataka government to address the challenges faced by working mothers and promote women's labor force participation. By providing accessible and high-quality childcare infrastructure, the scheme aims to create a more conducive environment for women to balance their work and family responsibilities.

Other Schemes Focused on Women Empowerment in Karnataka :


  • Free travel in all four state owned road transport Corporations for women.
  • Rs. 4000 cr will be the annual expenditure.

Gruha Lakshmi:

  • Rs. 2,000 monthly  financial assistance to woman head of the family.
  • Rs. 30,000 crore is the estimated annual expenditure.


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