Detailed Syllabus of General Studies 2 - KPSC

 General Studies 2:

Section I - Physical Features and Natural Resources

Geography of the World :

1. Lithosphere-Place of Earth in the Solar System, Rocks, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Plate tectonics, Agents of Erosion. Atmosphere - Structure and Composition –Elements of Climate and weather – Broad Climatic types. Hydrosphere - World Oceans Salinity – Ocean currents and Tides – Ocean Deposits.

2. Physiography of Continents and Demographic distribution - Mountains, Rivers, Forests, Grass lands, Deserts, Human Races, Population Change, distribution and demographic transition, density, sex ratio, quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration.

 Geography of India

3. Physiography of India – Climate, Rivers, Soil, Natural vegetation. Mineral Resources: Iron ore and Manganese - Copper and Bauxite Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Nuclear Deposits. Major crops- Distribution and production of cereals, millets, oilseeds, plantation crops, commercial crops. Indian Demography – Growth, Composition, Distribution, Density, Human Development Index. Demographic Database.

4. Industrial Planning and Development: Growth and Distribution of Major, Medium, Small and Tiny Industries – Industrial regions of India. Industrial infrastructure - Railways, Roads, and Ports. Backward regions and rural industrialisaton. Regional Planning and Development -Tribal and hill areas, drought prone areas, command areas and river basins. Classification of Towns and Cities. Urban Structure.

Geography of Karnataka

5. Physiographic divisions – Climate, Rivers, rainfall distribution, Natural vegetation and Soil. Agriculture and Agro climatic regions, Major crops, Plantation and commercial crops of Karnataka. Mineral Resources of Karnataka. Sources of Power (Hydro, Thermal, Solar, Nuclear and Wind). Major, Medium and Small Scale industries, Agro based Industries. Transportation and Communication Systems in Karnataka. Geographic information system.

6. Urban Land use Policy and Urbanisation- Demographic features Literacy and Urbanisation. Population Problems and policies, Literacy, City classification and urban spheres of influence, rural urban fringe, problems of urban growth. Land use, Town planning, slums and urban housing. Intra and Inter regional trade and the role of rural Market centers.

Section II - Overview of Indian Constitution (7 units)

1. Nature of the Constitution-Constitutional developments, salient features of Constitution: Preamble, Directive Principles of State Policy, Indian federation, etc.

2. Fundamental Rights – Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against exploitation, Right to freedom of religion, Cultural and Educational rights, Right to Constitutional remedies. Reasonable restrictions - Provision for schedule caste, schedule tribe and minorities, Reservations for SC/ST and OBC’s, preventions of SC/ST Atrocities Act, National and State SC/ST Commission.

3. Distribution of Legislative Powers – Between the Union and the State, Administrative and Financial relations between the union and the states, Powers and functions of constitutional bodies. Powers and Functions – Governor, Council of Ministers and Cabinet, Judicial remedies.

4. Unicameral and Bicameral legislations– Functions and crisis of accountability, delegated legislation, Legislative procedure and committees of legislature, legislative and judicial control over the delegated legislation, judicial review of administrative action. Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Attorney General of India.

5. Important Amendments of the Constitution – Basic structure theory, Emergency provisions and decentralization, Panchayathi raj, Seventy-third and Seventy-fourth amendments etc.

6. Welfare mechanism in India – Directive principles of State policy and their relationships, Right to property, Election Commission, Public Service Commissions, Women’s commission, National and State Minorities commission, Backward Commission, Human Rights Commission, Information Commission, Finance Commission, Planning Commission, National Development Council.

7. Services under the Union and State – Constitutional provisions relating to Government and public servants. 

Section III- Public Administration and Management – International Relations

1. Private and Public Administration – its role in society, Public Administration as an art and a science, New Public Administration and New Public Management. Responsive Administration. Difference between administration and management. Difference between public and private administration.

2. Structure of Organisation – Personnel, Financial, Administrative Law, Maintenance of Law and Order, Administration for Welfare. Issues of Areas in Indian Administration. Development Administration.

3. Organisational Behaviour and Management Concepts; Organisation structure, systems, Processes, Strategies, Policies and Objectives, Decision making, Communication, Centralisation, Decentralisation, Delegation of authority, Responsibility, Control.

4. Formal and informal Organisation,– Functional management: Finance, HR, Marketing, Production, Leadership and Motivation.

5. Management Tools and Techniques: Decision making under uncertainty, PERT & CPM, PIME, POSD-CORB, SWOT Analysis, Performance Standards and appraisal, PDCA Cycle, Personnel Policies, Manpower - Policy and Planning, Training and Development, Conflict Management, Management of change and development. Team Building, quality tools (Brain Storming, nominal group technique, pareto chart, fishbone diagram and process chart).

6. Administrative Reforms, Ethics and Values in Public Service, Public Relations, Good Governance, Accountability and control, Program monitoring and evaluation, Lokpal and Lokayukta, Redressel of Citizens grievances, District Administration and Panchayathi Raj System, Law and Order and Development Functions, Development Programmes. Welfare Programmes for SC/ST and women. People’s participation. Administrative Reforms Commissions - Central and State.

7. United Nations and Specialised Agencies, Other International Organisations and Agencies - Origin and development of UNO – Role in International Relations, General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, UN and Peace Keeping Operations, UN and Disarmaments, Future of UN. Special Agencies like WHO, ILO, FAO etc., International Organisations like IMF, World Bank, ADB, WTO, EU, ASEAN, SAARC, AU, NATO, NAM, OPEC, G-8, IAEA, etc., Role of Developing countries in International Relations, India and her Neighbours. Etc.,


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