CA: 12 August 2023

Daily Current Affairs 12 August 2023

Index of Industrial Production

Why in News :

  • The expansion in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) faced a setback as manufacturing growth faltered, primarily attributed to weakening demand for consumer goods. 
  • According to data from the National Statistical Office (NSO), the IIP, which had been on a positive trajectory, experienced a decline, reaching a three-month low of 3.7 percent in June. 
  • A notable contributor to this decline was the manufacturing sector's underperformance.

What is Index of Industrial Production:

  • The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) serves as a gauge for tracking fluctuations in the quantity of output of various industrial goods within a specific timeframe. 
  • The IIP is formulated and released on a monthly basis by the National Statistical Office (NSO), operating under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.
  • Base Year for IIP is 2011-12

This composite metric evaluates the percentage change in the expansion of industrial segments categorised under two main criteria:

  • Broad sectors: These Include Mining (weightage:14.373%) , Manufacturing (77.633%), and Electricity(7.994%) .
  • Use-based sectors: These include Basic Goods, Capital Goods, Intermediate Goods, Infrastructure or construction goods, Consumer Durables and Consumer non Durables.

Index of Eight Core Industries:

  • The compilation and publication of the Index are carried out by the Office of the Economic Adviser (OEA), a part of the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) operating under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, within the Government of India.
  • Collectively, these Industries constitute 40.27% of the total weighting assigned to the items encompassed within the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • The eight industrial sectors, ranked by their weightage in descending order, are: Refinery Products > Electricity > Steel > Coal > Crude Oil > Natural Gas > Cement > Fertilisers.

Supreme Court Collegium System :

Why in News: The Supreme Court collegium has recommended the transfer of 24 judges from High courts across the Country.

  • Judges within the higher judiciary are designated through the collegium mechanism.
  • Collegium consists of  the Chief Justice of India and the four most experienced judges of the Supreme Court, this body determines matters concerning the selection, advancements, and relocations of Judges. 
  • While the Indian Constitution does not explicitly reference the term "collegium," it has been instituted and defined through legal interpretations by the judiciary.

Evolution of the Collegium System in Judicial Appointments:

First Judges Case (1981):

  • In this landmark case, it was established that the Chief Justice of India's (CJI) recommendations for judicial appointments and transfers hold significant weight but can be rejected with valid reasons. 
  • This decision temporarily granted the Executive a prominent role in judicial appointments for the ensuing 12 years.

Second Judges Case (1993):

  • The concept of the Collegium system emerged during this case. 
  • The Supreme Court reinterpreted "consultation" to mean "concurrence," implying that the CJI's recommendation was a collective institutional decision. 
  • This decision emphasised that the input of the two senior-most judges alongside the CJI was essential in these matters.

Third Judges Case (1998):

  • Following a reference by the President under Article 143, the Collegium was further developed into a five-member entity comprising the CJI and four senior-most judges. 
  • This alteration solidified the Collegium's authority in judicial appointments.

Fourth Judges Case (2015):

  • The course of change took a turn with the 99th Constitutional Amendment Act and the National Judicial Appointments Commission Act of 2014. 
  • These reforms aimed to replace the Collegium with the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC). 
  • Nonetheless, in 2015, the Supreme Court declared both the 99th Constitutional Amendment and the NJAC Act unconstitutional in the fourth judge case.
  • Consequently, the original Collegium system was reinstated as the operative framework for appointing judges to the Supreme Court and High Courts.

National Green tribunal:

Why in News:The National Green Tribu­nal, Eastern Zone, has di­rected the Odisha govern­ment not to go ahead with ‘illegal’ construction in and around Tampara Lake, a designated Ramasar site and one of the largest pic­turesque freshwater lakes of the State.

About the National Green Tribunal (NGT):

The NGT is a specialised judicial body established under the National Green Tribunal Act 2010 with the primary objective of addressing environmental concerns and promoting the preservation of forests and other natural resources.

Composition of NGT:

  • Chairperson: The Chairperson is appointed by the Central Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of India (CJI). 
  • Judicial Members: The Tribunal consists of Judicial Members who are entrusted with applying legal expertise to cases. These members are appointed through a Selection Committee formed by the central government.
  • Expert Members: Expert Members, also appointed by the central government through the same Selection Committee, contribute their specialised knowledge and insights related to environmental matters.
  • There are to be at least 10 and a maximum of 20 full-time Judicial members and Expert Members in the tribunal.

All members, including the Chairperson, serve a  term of five years, ensuring independence and are not eligible for reappointment

  • Locations of Sitting: The NGT's Principal Place of Sitting is in New Delhi. Additionally, it holds proceedings in four other cities: Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata, and Chennai. This geographic distribution enhances accessibility and facilitates regional engagement.
  • Disposal of Cases: The NGT operates with the commitment to expeditiously resolve cases. It is mandated to conclusively address applications and appeals within a maximum period of six months from the date of filing.

Powers & Jurisdiction:

  • Environmental Protection: The Tribunal is established to effectively address cases pertaining to environmental protection, ensuring timely responses to environmental challenges.
  • Conservation of Natural Resources: It plays a crucial role in promoting the conservation of forests and other valuable natural resources, safeguarding their sustainability for future generations.

Appellate Jurisdiction:

  • The NGT possesses appellate jurisdiction, functioning as a Court of Appeal for cases involving environmental matters. 
  • Its decisions hold significant legal weight in shaping environmental policy and practices.

Procedure & Principles:

  • NGT is not bound by the procedural norms outlined in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, it adheres to the principles of natural justice. 
  • This approach ensures fairness and equity in its proceedings, promoting just outcomes in environmental cases.

ECOWAS : Economic Community of West African States

Why in News: Member countries of ECOWAS to meet and discuss Niger's Conflict.

  • The ECOWAS, also referred to as CEDEAO in French, stands for the Economic Community of West African States. 
  • It was established in 1975 through the Lagos Treaty as a regional intergovernmental organisation. 
  • The primary objective of ECOWAS is to promote economic integration, cooperation, and overall development among nations in West Africa. 
  • The headquarters of the organisation is situated in Abuja, Nigeria.


  • The aim of the Community is to promote co-operation and integration, 
  • leading to the establishment of an economic union in West Africa in order to raise the living standards of its peoples, and 
  • to maintain and enhance economic stability, 
  • foster relations-among Member States and contribute to the progress and development of the African continent.


  • The membership of ECOWAS comprises 15 individual states - Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo.
  • Around 400 million people live in this region and These countries have both cultural and geopolitical ties and shared common economic interest.

Within ECOWAS, there are two sub-regional groupings:

  • The West African Economic and Monetary Union, consisting of eight primarily French-speaking nations.
  • The West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ), which was founded in 2000 and encompasses six predominantly English-speaking countries.


Why in News:Russia’s space agency Ros­cosmos, which launched the Luna­25 on 11th August, has said that its landing on the moon would not impede India’s Chandrayaan­3, which was launched on Ju­ly 14, 2023, as the two mis­sions had diļ¬€erent landing areas and there was enough space on the moon for everyone.

About LUNA 25 :

Designation and Objective:

Luna-25, also known as Luna-Glob-Lander, represents a significant Russian lunar lander endeavour. This mission is strategically aimed at the Moon's south polar region, focusing on achieving two fundamental scientific objectives.

  • In-depth analysis of the polar regolith's composition,  
  • comprehensive investigation into the plasma and dust components of the lunar polar exosphere.

Launch Site:

The ambitious Luna-25 mission will initiate its journey from the Vostochny cosmodrome.

Lander Structure:

  • The lunar lander's structural design includes a sturdy four-legged base, meticulously crafted to accommodate both landing rockets and propellant tanks.
  • Above this, an upper compartment serves as a hub for essential components, such as solar panels, communication apparatus, onboard computing systems, and a suite of advanced scientific instruments.

Payload Instruments:

  • Luna-25 is equipped with an array of eight sophisticated scientific instruments, each serving a distinct purpose. 
  • Among these instruments are gamma-ray and neutron spectrometers, infrared spectrometers, mass spectrometers, as well as cutting-edge imaging systems.

Chosen Landing Site:

  • The mission's primary landing site has been meticulously selected near the Moon's south pole, positioning Luna-25 for optimal scientific observations. 
  • Additionally, a contingency plan is in place, with a reserve landing site strategically located southwest of the Manzini crater.

Mission Duration:

This mission is anticipated to span approximately one year, yielding invaluable insights into lunar mysteries.


Vasudaiva Kutumbakam:

Why in news: China had objected to the use of non­ UN languag­es like Sanskrit in any of the G­20 texts being negotiated.

  • India's Defence: In support of incorporating the Sanskrit expression "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (translating to "The world is one family") within its G-20 logo, the Ministry of External Affairs has clarified that it exclusively employs the "English Version" of the phrase - "One Earth, One Family, One Future."
  • The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
  • "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam" is a philosophy that promotes the concept of the entire world being a single family. 
  • This sentiment is articulated in the Maha Upanishad.

Military Exercises :

1. Exercise Zayed Talwar:

  • It is a Naval Exercise between India and UAE
  • This Year it will be held in Port Rishad, Dubai, which is manmade commercial Port. 

Terms In News:

Economic Union :

  • An economic union is a form of trade arrangement in which participating nations remove trade barriers among themselves and often establish shared economic strategies. 
  • This commonly entails the elimination of tariffs, quotas, and trade limitations for goods and services, while also coordinating on matters like currency and monetary policies.

Places in News:

1. Tampara Lake (Odisha, India)

  • It is a Ramsar Site
  • Tampara Lake holds a significant position among Odisha's freshwater lakes and is located within the Ganjam district. 
  • Spread across 337.86 ha with a length of 5.8 km and a width of 670 metres in Ganjam district, Tampara Lake supports at least 60 species of birds, 46 species of fishes, at least 48 species of phytoplanktons, and more than seven species of terrestrial plants and macrophytes.
  • This wetland area serves as a crucial sanctuary for species that are classified as vulnerable, including the Cyprinus carpio, common pochard (Aythya ferina), and river tern (Sterna aurantia).

2. NIGER (Capital :Niamey)

Military coup in Niger.

  • Surrounded by- 

    • Algeria- Northwest
    • Libya - North east
    • Chad - east
    • Nigeria and Benin - South 
    • Burkina faso and Mali - West

  • Niger is a Land locked west african Country
  • Lake Chad: Fresh water Lake - Shared by Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger
  • Longest River : River Niger


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